Calendar 2021-2022 by Zagreb Security Forum
17 Aug 2021 11:31:00 PM
We made a calendar with great photographs of Croatian beauty scenery by photographer Tomislav Veić, which will be given to all participants of 6th Zagreb Security Forum 2021.

Check out a pictures of our calendar in a gallery at a bottom of a page.

Tomislav Veić (born 1968 in Zagreb) got acquainted with photography at early age, which fascinated him from an early age, and he gained his first experiences by black and white photographs. During his schooling until the beginning of the war, he was intensively involved in photography in various fields - from landscapes and fine art nudes to abstract photography. Today, he emphasizes that his photographs from that period were created within his limited possibilities as a self-taught and young photographer. After a long hiatus (from the end of the war until the middle of the first decade of this century) with the purchase of a digital camera, he began to create photography again. His works soon became noticed in the public and the media both in Croatia and in the world. He has exhibited in several group and solo exhibitions, and the first notable appearance of his works was as part of the exhibition of the finalists of the competition "Photodays 2010" at the Museum of Arts and Crafts at Zagreb, Croatia.
His first solo exhibition of photographs "Music - it's them" was held for Christmas 2015 in the Vatroslav Lisinski Hall in Zagreb. After that exhibition, the Photo Gallery “Siscia obscrura” invited him in 2016 to participate in the exhibition “Industrial Heritage of Sisak” where he presented 35 black and white and color photographs that connect the industrial heritage of the City of Sisak with musicians located in these buildings. At the invitation of the Croatian Emigrant Community in Chile in 2018, a solo exhibition was set up at the Estadio Croata de Santiago, as well as the last in a series of solo exhibitions "Ukraine - Warriors to Warriors" created as part of the Homeland War Special Police Motorcycle Association project. was held at the Croatian History Museum in October 2018.
In addition to the aforementioned exhibitions, he has exhibited at numerous joint and judged exhibitions: Zagreb Salon, Organ Vida, Svijet Knjige, Fotozine, etc. Of the several awards he has received, he is happy to highlight the award for photography "While Lanterns Fly in the Sky". In 2017, he won first place for the best photo in the competition by which the world photography giant Nikon marked the 100th anniversary of its existence and the 50th anniversary of the competition. That year, more than 21,000 photographers from 172 countries took part in the Nikon Photo Contest. The photo has been featured at exhibitions in London, Tokyo, Beijing and Paris as well as several others Locations. With the phototgaphy "Driving through the ice forest" in 2021 in the competition of 165,000 photos from 200 countries, in the competition Sony World Photography Awards 2021. He won first place in the national category.



Tomislav Veić (rođen 1968. Godine u Zagrebu) još u osnovnoj školi upoznaje fotografiju koja ga zarana zaokuplja, a prva iskustva stječe izradom fotografija u crno-bijeloj tehnici. Tijekom školovanja pa sve do početka rata intenzivno se bavi fotografijom na raznim područjima – od pejzaža i aktova do apstraktne fotografije. Danas sam naglašava da su njegove fotografije iz tog razdoblja nastajale u okviru njegovih limitiranih mogućnosti kao samoukog i mladog fotografa. Nakon poduže stanke (od kraja rata pa do sredine prvog desetljeća ovog stoljeća) kupnjom digitalnog fotoaparata započinje ponovo stvarati. Njegovi radovi ubrzo postaju zapaženi u javnosti i medijima kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u svijetu. Izlagao je na više grupnih i samostalnih izložaba, a prvo zapaženije pojavljivanje njegovih radova je bilo u sklopu izložbe finalista natječaja “Photodays 2010” u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt.
Prva mu je samostalna izložba fotografija “Glazba – to su oni” održana za Božić 2015. godine u Dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog u Zagrebu. Nakon te izložbe Foto galerija “Siscia obscrura” ga poziva 2016. godine na sudjelovanje u izložbi “Industrijska baština Siska” gdje se predstavio s 35 crno-bijelih i kolor fotografija koje spajaju objekte industrijske baštine Grada Siska s glazbenicama koje su smještene u tim objektima. Na poziv Hrvatske iseljeničke zajednice u Čileu 2018. Godine mu je postavljena samostalna izložba u Estadio Croata de Santiago, kao i zadnja u nizu samostalnih izložbi „Ukrajina – ratnici ratnicima“ koja je nastala u sklopu projekta Moto udruge postrojbe specijalne policije iz Domovinskog rata, a održana je u Hrvatskom povijesnom muzeju u listopadu 2018.

Uz navedene izložbe izlagao je i na brojnim zajedničkim i žiriranim izložbama: Zagreb Salon, Organ Vida, Svijet Knjige, Fotozine, itd. Od više dobivenih nagrada rado ističe nagradu za fotografiju “Dok lampioni lete u nebo”. Njome je 2017. godine osvojio prvo mjesto za najbolju fotografiju na natječaju kojime je svjetski fotografski div Nikon obilježio 100. godišnjicu postojanja i 50. godišnjicu natječaja. Te je godine na “Nikon Photo Contest” sudjelovalo više od 21 tisuće fotografa iz 172 zemlje svijeta. Fotografija je bila predstavljena na izložbama u Londonu, Tokyu, Pekingu i Parizu kao i u još nekoliko svjetskih metropola. Fotografijom „Vožnja kroz ledenu šumu“ 2021 godine u konkurenciji 165.000 fotografija iz 200 zemalja, na natječaju Sony World Photography Awards 2021. Osvojio je prvo mjesto u nacionalnoj kategoriji.

All images are property of Tomislav Veić. All rights reserved.

Gallery / Galerija slika
