Call for Papers - Forum 2024

The 9th Zagreb Security Forum 2024

Hybrid Warfare Research Institute & St. George Association
October 11-12th, 2024
Zagreb, Croatia

Call for Papers:
NATO and EU cooperation – a Key for a Resilient Future

Strengthening Democracy, Protecting Freedom and Society

Previous ZSF’s proved to be timely events with regards to security challenges, which happened previous to, and sometimes right at the time of, each respective conference. Through the knowledge presented and analyzed at the Forum, and especially through of the interaction between speakers and guests, many topics emerged as important issues for the current and future security of Europe and its neighbors. Crises and conflicts at the local levels in one area can stimulate and influence the creation of new, and intensification of existing, crises in other areas. Therefore, determining the cause-and-effect relationship between different crisis situations is a necessity in order to: (a) be able to recognize and understand their causes, (b) recognize early warning signals for crisis that might appear, (c) organize and prepare the whole-of-society defense system for reaction to the crisis, (d) improve resilient intelligence based systems at the national and international level according to the lessons learned and (f) enable the development of trust and the exchange of information and knowledge at the national and international level.

Those topics presents the frame of 9th Zagreb Security Forum, that we would like to encourage authors for having an active role in it:

  • Women in Security and Defense Sciences
  • Hybrid threats and Intelligence
  • STRATCOM and Hybrid Threats
  • AI as a Tool against Hybrid threats
  • Hybrid Threats and Climate Change
  • Key Critical Infrastructure Protection and Hybrid Threats
  • Resilience of Seas: Arctic, Barents, Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Black Sea including Danube river
  • Irregular warfare
  • 2024 - election year in EU/USA and Influence operations - did we learn something?
  • Information vs Disinformation - fighting the content or the source
  • LI & LL from Russian aggressions in Ukraine and Hamas against Israel
  • Indo-Pacific area Stability and Security - what do we really know about China
  • EU & NATO - are we ready for a future risks?

The relevant ZSF Committees will select papers according to those topics and group them. Special attention will be given to paper proposals of young researchers and scholars. Therefore, two panels will be dedicated to them and their research activities.

During previous Forums, we already have been trying to stimulate more active engagement of gender equality in security and defense sciences. Therefore, we would like to give a special accent during the 9th Forum on this topic. Also, security and stability of the Indo Pacific area is at vital importance at this moment. Any rise of crisis in this area could lead to a serious global conflict. Connected with China’s intentions of increasing its influence in middle Russia to gain advantage of cheap and available raw materials such as fuel, gas, rare earths materials, just as much as reaching Arctic area for the same reasons. Since 2024 is going to be an election year in many democratic countries (in Croatia we are going to have national parliament elections, for an EU Parliament and for President - that is why we call 2024 super-election year), we would like to open a panel to the papers that will analyze possible appearance of foreign malign influences on election processes in different countries. The main research questions have to be: were those activities noticed, documented, were early-warning signal defense system in place, which initiated defense procedures, and what was a result of them (if they were activated)? What did we learn and where we can improve our abilities and capabilities to protect our democracy and societies?

Please submit your paper proposal abstract of 250-300 words and your detailed CV in English by email.

The deadline for proposal submissions is December 22, 2023. Notifications of acceptance will go out by January 25th, 2024. 

Conference presenters are invited to submit their revised paper after the Forum in form of an article to the National Security and The Future journal.Notifications of acceptance will go out by February, 2023.

Conference presenters are invited to submit their revised paper after the Forum in form of an article to the National Security and The Future journal.

Further information are available at our website

For more info about Forum papers, please Contact us. 


With kind regards,

Assist.Prof Gordan Akrap
President of Organising committee



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