March 16-17th, 2018


Resilient Critical Infrastructure and Anti-terrorism - National and International Cooperation

Hotel Sheraton, Zagreb, Croatia

(program version from March 11, 2018)

Bringing together Security, Science, Intelligence, Preparedness, and Solutions

Day 1: Friday 16 of March 2018

Arrival and Registration at Sheraton Hotel Zagreb (Sheraton Hotel Zagreb Location map)

10:00 - 10.50 Opening Ceremony

Dr. Gordan Akrap, Hybrid Warfare Research Institute, Zagreb

Prof.Dr. Shlomo Shpiro, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan


Guests of Honour:


Major General Mate Pađen, Commandant of the Croatian Defence Academy "dr. Franjo Tuđman", special envoy of the Vicepresident and Minister of Defence mr. Damir Krstičević

Dr. Tomislav Ćorić, Minister of Energy and Environment Protection, Croatia

Dr. Zrinko Petener, Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia, special envoy of H.E. the president, mrs Kolinda Grabar Kitarović


Panel I: Resilient Critical Infrastructure – Strategic Approach

Chair: Dr. Gordan Akrap, Hybrid Warfare Research Institute, Zagreb

Prof.Dr. Shlomo Shpiro, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 

Prof.dr. John M. Nomikos, RIEAS, Athens: Cyber Security Incidents and Terrorist Threats in Greece 

Gen. Yossi Peled, Israel 

Prof.Dr.Slavko Vidović, Hrvoje Sagrak, INFODOM Ltd., Croatia: CIP Management Platform

12:30-13:00  Coffee Break


Panel II: CIP and New Challenges - Governance and Effectiveness

Chair: Prof.Dr. Mladen Vedriš, University of Zagreb

Prof.Dr. Iztok Podbregar, University of Maribor

Gen. (res.) Ephraim Lapid, Dr., Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan: The Municipality as an Essential Factor in Promoting Resilience During Emergency and Terror: The Israeli Experience 

Dr. Giliam de Valk, University of Leiden: New Tool to Asses Vulnerability of CI to Terrorist Attacks 


14:30-16:30 Lunch


Panel III A: Resilience and International Cooperation
Chair: Prof.Dr. Michael Fredholm, University of Stockholm


Prof.Dr.Zoran Dragišić, and Dr.Darko Trifunović, University of Belgrade: Elements of Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Dr. Adrian Haenni, FernUni, Schweiz: International Cooperation in preventing terrorist attacks on CI: What we can learn from the past?

Dr. Laris Gaiser, ITSTIME, Catholic University of Milan: European CIP: The need for a regional approach 

Panel III B: Cyber Resilience
Chair: Robert Žunac, Information Systems Security Bureau (ISSB), Croatia

Dr. David Gioe, US Army Cyber Institute at West Point US Military Academy, and Prof.Dr. Michael S. Goodman, King's College, London, UK: Russian InfoOps, and Cyber operations and CIP 

Dr. Roman Domović, Hybrid Warfare Research Institute, Zagreb, and Dunja Bjelobrk Knežević, Zagreb University of Applied SciencesInternet of Things as a new battlefield in the defense of Resilient CI 

Dr.Darko Trifunović, University of Belgrade: Security Capabilities of Cyber Resiliance


20:00 -

Reception for Forum participants, Dverce Palace, Katarinin trg 6



Day 2: Saturday, 17 of March 2018


Panel IV A: Resilience and Social cooperation

Chair: Prof.Dr. Marc Cools, University of Gent

Dr. Adi Frimark, Ashkelon Academic College: Functional Continuity in Emergency: The Israeli Experience

Prof.Dr. Iztok Podbregar, and Dr. Polona Šprajc, University of Maribor: A Resilience Based Approach to CI and Social Safety Issues

Dr. Jelle Jansens, University of Gent: Vulnerability and Resilience: Perspectives from organised crime research

Ir. Yvan de Mesmaeker, European Corporate Security Association, Belgium: Setting Up the Security and Resilience of CI

Panel IV B: Maritime Security and Terrorism

Chair: Dr. Robert Mikac, University of Zagreb

Dr. Tonči Prodan, Portus et Navem Ltd, Croatia, and Rear admiral (lower half - ret) Marin Stošić: Endangering Maritime Security – Risk Scenarios and Countermeasures

Dr. Goran Belamarić, Capt. Master Mariner, University of Split: Piracy as a Modern Form of Terrorism at Sea

Velimir Ostoić, Damir Kovač, Adriatic Security Solutions Ltd. Croatia: Resilience of Oil and LNG Maritime Terminals  


10:45-11:15   Coffee Break


Panel V: Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection 
Chair: Prof.Dr. John Nomikos, RIEAS, Athens

Dr. Michael Fredholm, University of Stockholm: The Threat to CEI from Terrorist Groups affiliated to ISIL

Vlado Zorić, Janaf Ltd., Croatia: Resilience of Oil Pipeline CI

Dr. Gordan Akrap, Hybrid Warfare Research Institute, Zagreb, and Dr. Pavle Kalinić, City Office of Emergency Management: Drones and Terrorism


12.45-13.15  Future challenges, Joint Responses

Co-chairs: Dr. Ephraim Lapid and Dr. Gordan Akrap

The aim of this session is to integrate the lessons learned from the individual presentations of the previous two days, both in terms of threat analysis and of networked responses. Furthermore, this session will facilitate a wider discussion on the needs for joint capacity building, intensive inter operability, and mutual multi-level crisis assistance.


13:15 End of the Forum and Networking Lunch for All Forum Participants




