Story behind Zagreb Security Forum logo
The symbol of Zagreb Security Forum (ZSF) presents a stylized view of Šestine umbrella. Šestine is a place located in the north of the city of Zagreb, on the southern slopes of the mountain Medvednica.
Šestine umbrella is a part of, since the mid-18th century, the folk costumes typical for Šestine. It is handmade, bright red umbrella with wooden handle.
In addition to being a nice accessory, it presents a consistent, high-quality and efficient protection from the unpleasant weather conditions due to its unique qualities.
On the external part of the umbrella, and around the central position, different colors can be visible.
The colors of the ZSF logo however, are slightly different. Their choice is according with the national colours of the countries from where the organizers of the 1st ZSF are coming.
- The first set of color is red, white and blue represents Croatia, the host country of the ZSF and member of the organizing committee: G. Akrap, M. Tudjman and V. Ostoić;
- The second set of colors, blue, white and red, represent the national colors of France (A. Ranson);
- A combination of white and blue colors represent the national colors of Israel (S. Shpiro, E. Lapid) and Greece (J. Nomikos);
- Around the umbrella center are visible black, gold/yellow and red colors, national colors of Germany (A. Abelmmann);
- Same colors are Belgium national colors, a country from where important members of ZSF boards are coming (M. Cools, Y. de Mesmaeker).
Today's it is possible to see stylized Šestine umbrella at numerous Zagreb open markets. This umbrella became one of Zagreb's most recognizable symbols.

Umbrella, on the other hand, is known as a symbol that provides protection when someone needs it, but also as a possible nice accessory. Therefore, the umbrella has been chosen as a ZSF symbol because well conceived, designed, constructed and used, umbrella provides optimum protection against various weather conditions.
ZSF wants with precisely this symbol to emphasize the need for proactive, preventive and integrated activities of various experts in order to protect critical infrastructure at the corporate, national and international levels. The negative impact on a critical infrastructure, can overflow with cascade model and spread negative consequences to the other parts of the national and international critical infrastructure hindering, preventing and stopping the development of society and the state for the benefit of its citizens.