Developing society’s post-war resilience in Ukraine

Developing society’s post-war resilience in Ukraine – Perspectives and challenges - defence of democracy

Building society resilient on future challenges is of crucial importance.

Not just for Ukraine. For all of Europe. Therefore, we gathered experts that have experience in different fields that can share their experiences in order to be fruitful for the future of Ukraine. We must focus ourselves on consequences that might appear after the end of war in Russia. Those consequences need to be recognized early enough so that we can be prepared for those possible threats and obstacles.

Conference will take place in Croatia in Zadar June 5th to 7th, 2023.


Since Russia's invasion of the sovereign territory of Ukraine, the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation has been holding conferences together with the Hybrid Warfare Research Institute – Zagreb Security Forum; on different topics with an emphasis on Security challenges in the region and beyond. Now with the support from our partner the University of Zadar and the Croatia Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ) and the Institute dr. Janez Evangelist Krek [IJEK] we are organizing an Series of Events which contribute to an intensification of the discussion of regional challenges, economic reconstruction and the democratic building under the guidance and leadership of the EU at the same time, as the title suggests, emphasizes the importance of defence of democracy. In particular, at this event, lecturers from Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro Moldau and Ukraine are invited to exchange opinions and experiences related to the mentioned omnipresent and unavoidable topic in order to gain insight but also to offer suggestions for upcoming processes that cannot be bypassed.

Ukraine, which is the victim of unjustified and unprovoked Russian aggression from 2/24/2022, will possibly, according to all existing indicators, reverse the situation on the front line. However, this change is only the beginning of a very demanding process of creating and preserving democracy and protecting human rights and freedoms. The end of war operations should be met with ready preparation for the challenges that Ukraine, as well as Russia, will face. The goal of this conference is to help Ukraine recognize all the complexity of the post-war (re)construction of a democratic society and state. There are numerous challenges of the post-war period: large quantities of weapons in the possession of the population, post-traumatic stress disorders, the search for missing persons, the care and engagement of veterans in various social and economic activities, de-mining, civilian war casualties, the transformation of the institutions of society and the state towards peacetime, the fight against malign influence operations and preservation of national unity, building economic and social capacities, simultaneously strengthening media freedom with the necessary monitoring and identification of threats that might abuse these rights and freedoms by malicious actors (Russia, for example), planning and building capacities on which the future development of Ukraine will be based, preparation and transformation society and the state for access to various integration international organizations.


European and International Cooperation

Developing Society’s Post-war Resilience in Ukraine – Perspectives and Challenges - Defence of Democracy

05. – 07. June 2023

University of Zadar Ulica Mihovila Pavlinovića 1 HR-23 000 Zadar, Croatia

Monday, June 05th

until 18.00h Arrival of the participants

Venue: „Hotel Kolovare“
Ul. Bože Peričića 14, 23000, Zadar
Home - Hotel Kolovare (

18.30 – Working dinner

Tuesday, June 06th

Until 08.00 Breakfast

08.30 Departure to the University of Zadar

Venue: “Festive hall”
Ul. Mihovila Pavlinovića, 23000, Zadar

08.45 Arrival of the participants

09.00 Words of Welcome and Introduction

Holger Haibach
Head of the KAS Office for Croatia and Slovenia
Assist.Prof. Gordan Akrap
Head of the Hybrid Warfare Research Institute (Croatia)
Prof.Dr. Dijana Vican
Rector of the University of Zadar

09.15 Guest of honour:

Branko Dukić Ph.D.
The mayor of the city of Zadar

09.30 Key Note:

Ognian Zlatev
Head of European Commission Representation in Croatia
Mario Banožić, PhD (tbc)
Minister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia

PANEL 1. Post-war (re)construction of democratic society in Ukraine

10.00 Impulse

Speaker from Ukraine

10.15 Panel Discussion:

(max 5 min per each kick-off speaker the rest of the discussion guided by moderator)
Prof.Dr. Ante Bralić
University of Zadar

11.00 Coffee break

11.15 Open debate

12.45 – 12.50 Walk to restaurant “Foša”

Ul. kralja Dmitra Zvonimira 2, 23420, Zadar
Restoran Foša Zadar (

13.00 Lunch

14.20 – 14.25 Walk to the University of Zadar

Venue: “Festive hall”
Ul. Mihovila Pavlinovića, 23000, Zadar

PANEL 2. Ensuring European societal resilience to future challenges

14.30 Impulse

Speaker from Ukraine

14.45 Panel Discussion:

(max 5 min per each kick-off speaker the rest of the discussion guided by moderator
Assist.Prof. Gordan Akrap

15.45 Coffee Break

16.00 Open Debate

PANEL 3. Implementing policies during this transition period as guided by the Lessons Identified and Lessons Learned - particularly regarding law and media

17.00 Impulse

Davor Ivo Stier
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Croatian Parliament

17.15 Panel Discussion:

(max 5 min per each kick-off speaker the rest of the discussion guided by moderator

Prof.Dr.Iztok Podbregar, PhD

18.00 Coffee Break

18.15 Open Debate

19.45 - Dinner

„Hotel Kolovare“
Ul. Bože Peričića 14, 23000, Zadar
Home - Hotel Kolovare (


Wednesday, June 7th

Until 11.00 h Departure



Organizacijski odbor međunarodne znanstveno stručne konferencije naziva Developing society’s post-war resilience in Ukraine – Perspectives and challenges - defence of democracy, koja će se, dana 6.6.2023. održati na Sveučilištu u Zadru, čine:

1. Holger Haibach, voditelj ureda Zaklade Konrad Adenauer za Hrvatsku i Sloveniju, Njemačka
2. Makro Prusina, djelatnik ureda Zaklade Konrad Adenauer za Hrvatsku i Sloveniju, Njemačka
3. Prof.dr. Dijana Vican, rektorica Sveučilišta u Zadru, Hrvatska
4. Jakob Bec, međunarodni tajnik NSI, voditelj IJEK, Slovenija
5. Gordan Akrap, predsjednik HWRI-IIHS, Hrvatska
6. Srećko Prusina, ravnatelj Zaklade Hrvatskog državnog zavjeta, Hrvatska
7. brigadir, Viacheslav Semenenko, Vojna akademija Ukrajine, Ukrajina


Programski odbor međunarodne znanstveno stručne konferencije naziva Developing society’s post-war resilience in Ukraine – Perspectives and challenges - defence of democracy, koja će se, dana 6.6.2023. održati na Sveučilištu u Zadru, čine:

1. Makro Prusina, djelatnik ureda Zaklade Konrad Adenauer za Hrvatsku i Sloveniju, Njemačka
2. Prof.dr. Ante Bralić, Sveučilište u Zadru, Hrvatska
3. Gordan Akrap, predsjednik HWRI-IIHS, Hrvatska
4. brigadir, Viacheslav Semenenko, Vojna akademija Ukrajine
5. Prof.Dr. Iztok Podbregar, Sveučilište u Mariboru, Slovenija
6. Dražen Barbarić, Sveučilište u Mostaru, BiH


Developing society’s post-war resilience in Ukraine





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