dr.sc. Gordan Akrap - predavanje u belgijskom Club van Lotharingen
U četvrtak, 29 lipnja 2018. u 11.40 sati dr.dc. Gordan Akrap održati će u Club van Lotharingen, Cercle de Lorraine (Belgija), predavanje s temom "What is Hybrid Warfare and how should Corporate Security managers take this developing threat into account?"
BISC conference (Business Intelligence Studies Centre) ove se godine održava s temom "International collaboration regarding intelligence services and intelligence studies"
Donosimo sažetak predavanja:
What is Hybrid Warfare and how should Corporate Security managers take this developing threat into account?
Hybrid warfare is a form of violent conflict that simultaneously can involve state or non-state actors, using mainly non-kinetic (info ops. media ops, energy ops, cyber ops...) means in order to shape the knowledge and infulence the decisison making proces in target audinece and is not limited by physical domain borders. That is the war that exist dep bellow the radar od traditional way of conflicts. Primary target is knowledge and knowledge-decision-making proces. Due to the modern information and communication technologies, Cyber operations are crucial for conudcting efficient hybrid warfare, and in same time to develop early warning abilities, and active measures to fight with hybrid agresor. Everything can be a target of HW today in oder to influence knowledge-decision-making proces. Especially critical infrastructure.
Više informacija na web adresi:
Cercle de Lorraine,
Place Poelaert 6,
1000 Brussels
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